Sunday, April 20, 2008

K - ra


If you have read previous posts you would know that Keara recentlyl celebrated her birthday. At 2 she is not terrible, but quite a handful. Recently, her vocabulary and understanding seem to have exploded. She uses all kinds of words and decently put together sentences. When she hears a new word, she'll repeat it and use it a few times in a phrase and then she just logs it away until she finds a use for it. She has also become a copy cat. It could be any random thing you do and she'll observe and then proceed to do the same.

She is still super tiny, at 22 lbs, but long and holding her we can feel she is going to be too heavy to hold all the time like we are used to. Her imagination has also blossomed, with the help of some new toys that encourage it. Her imagination has also spread from helping mommy around the house with different things. She got her sticker chart (she could spend hours playing with 5 stickers) and so therefore has become a great helper.

She loves oatmeal! And sometimes I wonder if she is a hobbit. She will eat cold cereal with me when she first wakes up and then when Cheri gets back from a walk an hour later, she'll have second breakfast and steal Cheri's oatmeal.

I showed her how to have a tea party with her new dish set and now she loves it! All her babies, and piu piu (subbing in for the missing baby with the single blonde locke of hair) always join her. And then afterwards she of course wants to wash and dry them.

One of the greatest things to watch is how she loves her baby sister!!! Her ears are great and so when we are all down stairs, she'll be the first one to hear Taryn waking up and insist we go get her. She has learned to speak for her quite well, informing us what Taryn wants and needs in a matter of fact tone. Though we still have to warn Keara about being gentle we know she can't wait for Taryn to grow up and play with her. Of course we don't think it'll be like Keara imagines it will be. She won't be able to just boss Taryn around telling her what to do. Taryn can be just as stubborn and will probably match Keara in size when that time comes.


Kelly said...

She looks like a lot of fun. How great that she is a good helper. Victoria loves tea parties too!

Jill said...

I knew if I searched hard enough, I'd find it.....your blog, that is! So fun guys! :)