Sunday, April 13, 2008


Keara turned 2 years old on the 28th of March. And Cheri was determined to have a better party (and more importantly a cake) than last year. Plus, it meant a lot more to Keara this year to have friends over.
Artwork courtesy of Sunny and Tauna.

She had about 10-12 friends come over for activities like painting, jewelry making, bean bag tossing, and tie-die shirting. We had a lot of help from Brent and Sunny's family keeping the kids attention at the various activities. Tauna and Chris delayed their leaving just long enough to be a part of it. And Grandma and Granpa Moore also got to be there.

But the important part to this party was to make up for last year's cake. Only a few of you have seen a picture of it, and thankfully fewer of you saw the actual cake...there is a reason for it. I had the genius idea to make a lego cake since that was one of her favorite toys at the time, but we did it last minute, like we do so many things, and didn't have a good frosting or enough. So, this year, with an idea from Chris and some help from Tauna and the internet Cheri put together this beautiful piece...

Inside there is a layer of ice cream and crushed oreos!

I don't know how much Keara fully understood but we do know she got the idea that it was a special day and that she was a reason for it.


Kelly said...

Wow - what a party! That cake looks great.